This issue of The MOON explores conscious partnerships: relationships whose participants have explicitly come together to achieve a common purpose–grow spiritually, create an intentional community, solve a social problem, or—as in the case of our lead interview with Peter and Jennifer Buffett, create a world based on collaboration and partnership rather than domination and exploitation!
In contemplating this issue, I was particularly interested in partners who have come together not necessarily to procreate, but to co-create, as Barbara Marx Hubbard famously said. Being conscious in both one’s personal life and public life is doubly challenging; there’s no place for our shadows to hide. Jennifer and Peter Buffett, co-founders of the NoVo Foundation, graciously describe how the journey to heal the issues in their own relationship has informed their work to bring healing, collaboration, and greater partnership to the world.
We can also enter into a conscious partnership with Mother Earth, as Maria Yraceburu encourages us to do. We can even become more conscious in our relationship with ourselves, as this issue’s conversation with Lama Rod Owens, describes.
My wise shaman friend Anna Alkin contributed Awakening from the Nightmare for the January 2013 issue. She advises us to welcome our current circumstances as initiation, and writes, “We awaken from the nightmare by learning to focus not on the nightmare, but on the unassuming presence of Spirit—supportive, quiet, and common, like the ground beneath our feet. Like the blood flowing through our veins.”
You’ll also enjoy fabulous fiction by James Norris, Margaret Karmazin, and an excerpt from Ian Woolen’s novel Muir Woods or Bust (on the fall-out from an unconscious relationship); as well as poetry on partnerships by Harry Youtt, Barbara Jean, Charlie Neadom, and Tiffany Lee Brown. Plus, there’s Movies You Might’ve Missed and inspirational quotes in MOON Shine.
Anna Alkin also predicted that 2020 would be the year of accurate vision. We’re seeing now the unsustainability of the systems we have in place and hopefully awakening to the opportunity to build new ones–based on generosity and compassion, rather than fear and domination. A new world is waiting to be born. We have the opportunity to be its midwives.
Stay well, my friends! Thank you for reading!
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