Archive | May, 2015

Lynx Vilden hunting

Lynx Vilden | Twenty-five days in the wilderness

I moved my buffalo robe in the middle of the night, ants crawling all over me. It had taken a long time to get to sleep in the thick forest just a few miles from home but the knowledge of the many wild fires burning all around us these last three weeks left me uneasy. What was that light flickering in the trees, the moon or the approach of the […]

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Preserving the wild human | An interview with Dr. Louis Herman

Dr. Louis G. Herman is a professor of political science at the University of Hawai‘i – West O‘ahu and the author of Future Primal: How Our Wilderness Origins Show Us the Way Forward, which reviewers have called “a stunning book that responds to the multiple crises of globalized humanity by recovering the classical project of political philosophy as the search for the best way to live.” Born into an orthodox […]

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Movies You Might’ve Missed | Preserving the wild humans

The Great Dance: A hunter’s story is the 2000 documentary by Craig and Damon Foster that tells the story of three !Xo San Bushman hunters who “outrun their thirst” as they track an animal on foot, running for hours through the blazing desert sun, until their exhausted quarry collapses and they can make the final kill. The hunt is much more than just a way of feeding the tribe, however. […]

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Louis Herman | Those who never left

SOME SIXTY THOUSAND YEARS AGO, when modern humans moved out of Africa and eventually colonized every habitable continent on the planet, some humans remained in southern Africa. Their direct descendants are the San Bushmen, who until recently lived a traditional hunting-gathering way of life in the great Kalahari Desert covering eastern Namibia, northern South Africa and much of Botswana. After decades of intense debate among scholars as to the origin […]

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