Archive | December, 2013

Wendy Kennar

Wendy Kennar | I remember

I remember bits and pieces from the night my son was born. Taken together, these fragments form a quilt of memories. These snapshot memories are full of textures, smells, sights, and sounds that transform the day previously known only as my mom’s birthday into my mom’s birthday and the day my son was born. My son and Grandma would forever be “Birthday Buddies.” I remember my determination to have a […]

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December Movies You Might’ve Missed

There are countless films that chronicle the difficult delivery of something new—be it a new social order, a new government, a new invention, a new way of doing something. I’m thinking of films like Gandhi, Pollock, and even Tucker. But because this page is devoted to “Movies You Might’ve Missed,” I’d like to mention one—The Times of Harvey Milk—that portrays the work of an individual to change the status quo […]

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Sojourner Kincaid Rolle | Honoring the sanctity of life

Conscious mothers know what gift they give the world; know what precious bundle they deliver.   Others sometimes wonder what miracle creates a human being; long to understand what manifests a beating heart and comprehend what grand design defines our self.   Now we follow the light toward quiet and gentle birth.   In a world of chaos an oasis of serenity where order resides where love overwhelms.   Here […]

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April Salzano | Praying for Red Lights

I AM SITTING ON THE TOILET, bent in half, pushing. Oh God let it be over soon, get it out, get it out. My uterus spasms, contracts, retracts, then goes slack. I feel myself wrap around the clot, as if it is attached to my cervix by a string, as if every push causes a pull on a connecting fiber. I just want it to let go and get out. […]

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