Archive | April, 2018

Lyla June | Indigenomics

When the dried kernels burst open, like a love that cannot be silenced, they release a special powder that feeds us and teaches how to think. Her love sounds like dried corn cracking beneath the weight of stone, snapping open like prickly pear blossoms in the summertime. She is teaching us without speaking that you only need two stones to feed a nation. For hours the women would grind corn […]

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Return to our roots | The permaculture plan for saving the planet

Permaculture is an ethics- and ecology-based system for designing sustainable human food and habitation systems. First articulated by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, permaculture espouses three foundational principles: Care for the planet, care for the people, and share the surplus. How to do that is further explained with recommendations such as, “Observe and interact.” (After all, nature has provided working models all around us.) “Produce no waste.” (Nature doesn’t. One species’ waste […]

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