Tag Archives | Oh the shame


Oh, the shame! | Exploring our uniquely human emotion

Who knew? Shame is a hot topic! The MOON received more submissions for this issue than any in our four-year history. Although most of the submissions describe personal incidents of shame or embarrassment, my own motivation in exploring this topic was actually more universal. As a society, we in the U.S. seem loathe to acknowledge any guilt, regret, or wrongdoing, even though our history is replete with shameful incidents—the legacy […]

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Movies You Might’ve Missed | Oh, the shame

Shame and/or humiliation are a driving motivation in hundreds of revenge movies—from horror flicks like Carrie to dramas like The Help. Shame was also on display in last year’s Oscar-nominated Manchester By the Sea, about a young man whose drunken carelessness results in the death of his children, and the appropriately named 2011 movie, Shame, about a sex-addicted man whose encounters bring no intimacy or pleasure, only physical release, followed […]

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M. Stone | You’re a woman now

We all remember that girl the one who developed early in elementary school and bled on her desk seat. We avoided her like she had a disease more scandalous than mono. We dreaded the day our own bodies would betray us. The novelty of “being a woman” faded fast. We scrambled to hide our shame with sweaters wrapped tight around our waists, panties lined with stacked sanitary napkins. Reeking middle […]

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Emily Bowles | You see me, a woman flayed

Last week I saw a woman flayed, and you will hardly believe how much it altered her person for the worse. — Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub They saw me, a woman flayed. You will hardly believe how I saw myself when he treated me that way, how much it altered me a person her person mine for the worse. I see you watching the spectacle of my body […]

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