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Katherine Morgan | Post Cards at the New York Historical Society

Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America I am in the room with these black and white picture post cards – made to share the lynching with faraway friends or keep as a souvenir – sell to a collector to frame and hang and I am in the room, my heart beats in my throat – each photo depicts a new corpse – burned first, whipped first, naked, handcuffed. I want […]

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Paul R. Davis | Scream the Beloved World

Open your mouth and scream! Scream for the warmth of the sun, scream for the oceans’ water, scream for the air you breathe. Scream against all the futile wars, scream for the fallen young, scream against the profiteers. Scream against the ones who make the laws we cannot live by. Scream for the Founding Fathers twisting in their graves. Scream for Gaza, Scream for Sudan, Scream for the bleeding Balkans, […]

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