Tag Archives | Death | The future we seldom speak of

Charles Edwards | Ghost

Chrissy sat on the bed and held the little plastic baggie with the white powder in it and an illustration of the stereotypical ghost in a white sheet printed on one side of the baggie. She let out a sigh upon realizing what this was. There was a history of drug use in her family. Her father had drank himself to an early death. Her mother had used barbiturates – […]

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Death | The future we seldom speak of

Death. It’s coming for all of us, yet most of us are shocked when we realize that today, or soon, it is coming for us. Or worse, that it just took someone we can’t imagine living without. Death is the topic that sucks the air out of the room; that reveals the shallowness of our dreams and ambitions; that slays us with its non-negotiability. Yet the man who is our interview […]

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Brian Schulz | Stories of La Palette

The table was lovely. Every detail was just so. He’d chosen the bone china, their wedding silver, set on white vine-laced linen napkins, and the simpler of the crystal glasses they’d stumbled upon in Bucks County. It was on one of their wanders, when their time seemed endless. For wine glasses he’d set the heavy, silver stemmed goblets, their weight being easier for her to manage. The place-setting he laid […]

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Lisa Rhodes-Ryabchich | The dream

My Auntie Betty came to me in a dream dressed in a long black unsightly dress reaching the ground, with a black lace veil covering her despondent face. She wore long black gloves, and black rosary beads hung around her neck. She was walking around Rockland Cemetery’s front lawn, asking for forgiveness. I saw tears hiding over a young girl’s face. She had not aged in death. Why had I […]

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