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Addiction MOON Shine

“When you’re missing a piece of yourself, aching, gut-wrenching emptiness begins to take over. Until you find the link that completes your very soul, the feeling will never go away. Most people find a way to fill this void: material possessions, a string of relationships, affairs, food…I bare my soul, with words, for all to see.” – Jennifer Salaiz “You got the vote of your high school Most likely to […]

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What’s love got to do with it | MOON Shine

“Politics is personal. There’s a level of maturation that occurs when you allow yourself to look beyond yourself into a wider field of collective concern. It keeps us infantilized when we don’t address larger political social and economic issues. Anybody who’s looking the other way and just hoping somebody else is handling it, is not dwelling at the level of seriousness that we need to be at as women and […]

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Invisible people | MOON Shine

“If your brother becomes impoverished and his hand falters beside you, you shall strengthen him, whether he is a stranger or a native, so that he can live with you.” – Leviticus 25:35 “Housing will never solve homelessness, but community will.” – Alan Graham “A castaway in the sea was going down for the third time when he caught sight of a passing ship. Gathering his last strength, he waved […]

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The New Localism | MOON Shine

“Where everything’s broken, anything’s possible. Thomas Edison supposedly said that opportunity is missed by most because it’s usually dressed in overalls and looks like work. As I think back through the history of innovation, and look at people such as Charles and Ray Eames and Frank Lloyd Wright and Edison and all the others who broke into a space that we had not seen before, they worked in transitional places. […]

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