“Your human form took millions of years, millions of years, to be an expression of the universe wanting to be awake to itself. Who are you to deny that responsibility? How could you possibly do anything else? How could you waste your time scratching emotional itches all the time instead of rising to the occasion of what you were born for, to see yourself, you, as the universe, as all consciousness? Recognizing […]
Archive | December, 2012
Bridge to Freedom
By Jackie Goodman This postcard series is based on my journey to dance class (ballet or West African), through which I’ve discovered aspects of myself I didn’t know existed, and through which I’ve also discovered curiosity as a helpful way of being or attitude. I’ve learned to surrender to the process, trusting it to take me where I’m meant to go. Postcard 1 is called “Bridge” because the drive […]
Send us your fiction
We believe that well-crafted fiction has as much power to transform the world as facts and rhetoric. We’d love to publish compelling short stories that shed light on the human or planetary condition, so please send them our way: leslee@moonmagazine.org. Sharing is caring:

Michael Meade | Why the world doesn’t end
Whenever the end seems near, the beginning is also close at hand. The mystics know that, but so do the nuclear physicists. Given the radical changes affecting both culture and nature in contemporary life, it is easy to understand how fears of cataclysm and images of apocalyptic nightmares might intensify. It is not simply that the air has become dangerously polluted and overheated or that the political atmosphere is increasingly […]
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Conscious partnership MOON Shine
“The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.” – Gary Zukav MORE.
Contributors to this issue
Anna Marie Alkin, Tiffany Brown, Jennifer and Peter Buffett, Leslee Goodman, Barbara Jean, Margaret Karmazin, Charlie Neadam, James Norris, Lama Rod Owens, Ian Woolens, Harry Youtt, and Maria Yraceburu. Read more about our contributors.