Archive | December, 2016

Garrett Rowlan | Eve’s Apple

WHEN THE CONFERENCE ENDED, Eve left the hotel’s windowless room and refused a man’s invitation to have a drink. He was bald, overweight, and anyway she didn’t feel like being picked up. Her headache felt like a watermark behind her eyes. Returning to her room she fell asleep and woke at twilight. She felt better. She watched TV for ten minutes, knew that she didn’t want to sit here all […]

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Rachel Kann | I see you

Hey you, With the stern eyes, Behind which you try to hide that fat little Sterno-can heart. I see you. Your incendiary gelatinous mess of yes-ness glows right through you, Throbbing in fabulous thoracic iambic pentameter. Smile. You’re perfect. It’s simply resistance that precipitates your inner turbulence. Attachment is a tense drag. Loosen your grip on what is and Let in the limitless quantum eternal existence. Let the expired empire […]

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Anna Marie Alkin | Awakening from the nightmare

WE ARE A BODY DIVIDED. Our recent election was the collective dream of a body divided into red states vs blue states, cities vs rural areas, whites vs people of color, and lower income vs. upper income peoples. With each line we draw, we dis-member ourselves. With each line we draw, we fall deeper into the nightmare. We are body divided, dreaming. Smashed and shattered, cut off at the roots […]

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Larry Thacker | Those kids

And the kids shrug and roll their eyes and cause us older and wiser types to roll over in our future graves with their lack of knowledge of the great World Wars and the Greatest Generation, those great cold causes decades past. We wring our hands wondering why all the new teachers aren’t teaching what should be taught about war. Times have changed, people love to spout. Yes, they have, […]

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