Archive | December, 2013

Bekah Steimel

Bekah Steimel | If I am that born poet

If I am that born poet you speak of then you delivered me with skilled and loving hands cutting me out of the womb of protected insecurity a witness to my unlikely birth result of my unlikely conception the child of flame and sky burning with gratitude flying with the freedom those skilled and loving hands granted me which is the most valuable gift that can ever be given to […]

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Claudine Nash | Growing pains

In the hours after your birth I can’t shake the cold that passes through this recent hollow. I didn’t know that you had been warming my blood all this time, that I would know such a drastic drop in temperature without you even with you asleep on top of me that entire first night and having already lived decades without so much as a sheet. How am I so unaware […]

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Melodie Corrigall | Margaret the Magnificent

MARGARET IS NESTLED BESIDE HER HUSBAND, her exhausted mind whirling with images.  She envisions her huge-bellied body mounted, like a golden figurehead, on an ancient galleon. She is Margaret the Magnificent, skimming across the metallic lake – hair biting her neck, sails snapping against the mast. Wallop. The heavy mast smashes her stomach, hurling her backwards into blackness. Falling, falling into the void, slammed like a doomed fish, on the […]

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