Tag Archives | Recognizing indigenous wisdom

Angelina Llongueras | Standing Rock is burning, Long live Standing Rock

Standing Rock is burning, Long live Standing Rock Burning pollution and dirt Lighting our memories of the love we gave and took Standing Rock is a new galaxy in the sky of freedom Treaty land stolen by the oil companies turns into an eternal song of longing for the thunder of justice that drums us awake. We can now fast The trees have bled their wisdom and in these hours […]

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Aziz Dixon | Deep memories

Inspired by a visit to an adobe village in New Mexico. My tribe-brother puts down his smartphone, and hands me a gift, sharp-pointed, flaked with skill, an arrowhead, holding memories of a thousand generations. I am a man young and strong, urgent and proud. The pulse in me speaks from my pre-human past, the pulse of creation, giving daughters and sons. I sit in the hall; my tribe-family enfolds me. […]

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Babo Kamel | Standing Rock and Nokomis

At Standing Rock What once was painted on the body now offered in prayers the power of spirit, make no mistake, this is war Greed comes riding bareback with dogs Now offered in prayers to preserve the mother make no mistake, this is war return to the old shelters to preserve the mother guard the water in her breast return to the old shelters trust the arms of the mother […]

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The Earth speaks and her message is aloha | An interview with Kahuna Kalei’iliahi

Kahuna Wahine Ali’i Nui Kalei’iliahi is a kanaka maoli (aboriginal) of Hawai’i. She comes from a long line of spiritual kahunas (priests/shamans) and ali’i (chiefs/chiefesses, no “t”). Among the gifts she carries as ambassador of the Ancients is that she is a seer, medium, metaphysician, spiritual healer, keeper of the Lemurian truths and channel for many magnificent holy beings. Kahuna Kalei’iliahi has worked with people throughout the islands and worldwide, […]

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