Tag Archives | Collections: Search for the Missing Whole

Ed Higgins | formation of a black (w)hole

who can quite say when careless talk & confidence slips into that other charged thing so minimal at first then nova explosions– outer layers once held by gravity, other stable Einsteinium equations, collapsed inside to those dense brilliant colors whose appearance you’d forgotten completely but for the occasional misty love lyric on the car stereo driving down that quite ordinary road of what passes for life sometimes or fate if […]

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Brian Doyle

Brian Doyle | Stigmata

October. Patient is forty years old. Caucasian male, Catholic priest. Heartbeat sound, blood pressure normal, slightly underweight for height. Complaint: pain in hands, feet, and lower left abdomen. Symptoms first manifested five weeks ago. Patient thought nothing of it, chalked it up to encroaching age, entropy, etc. Pain in abdomen increasingly severe however and during visit today patient was scanned for appendicitis, colon blockage, hernia, etc. No evident cause found. […]

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Vasiliy Safin | Road trip to completion

Three weeks ago my brother and I embarked on a cross-country road trip from New York to Los Angeles in hopes of finding something that may or may not be missing. We found that the South really is different from the North, that New Orleans is different from everyplace else, and that West Virginians feel very strongly about being different from Virginians. We also found Texas to be vast in […]

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Sharon Fedor | Adrift

The terrain of the keyboard lies between me and my message– little houses with lettered roofs draped across a womanly form, ergonomically; an old shepherd dog, draped across the carpeted floor, is heaving hair, faithfully. My thoughts are pink petals drifting, drifting, settling on my shoulders, turning to dust before they reach the keys. I sink into the moist salt mist of a day when you wore pink and disappeared […]

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