I imagine my mom as a slender German girl, long strawberry-blonde hair, standing still in her school uniform in front of a gray and cheerless building, with all she owned in a suitcase, wondering when her mom would be coming back to get her. She did not know initially it was a German Catholic schoolhouse for disobedient girls or why her mom arranged for her to go there. Later on […]
Tag Archives | Forgiveness

Melanie Figg | What there is
I sloughed off the weight of him. The burden of shame rinsing off like water paint coloring the sink, fascinating & temporary. Ascending & delightful to ascend. This is what the prophets promise. This is what I have found at the end of struggle: a clear field, room to run. The pond is deep blue & chilling, jarring as any act of grace: an audible gasp, erotic & begging for […]

Movies You Might’ve Missed | Forgiveness
Within the eye of the storm is a 2012 documentary by director Shelley Hermon that tells the true story of Bassam Aramin, a Muslim Palestinian, and Rami Elhanan, a Jewish Israeli, who were once sworn enemies engaged in armed struggle against each other. Today the men are friends and allies, working as members of Combatants for Peace to help Israelis and Palestinians understand each other’s narrative. Both are also members […]

Rebekah L. Fraser | Stories we tell
My mother comes at me with the book spread open wide. She is pointing to a picture. She is yelling, face contorted by fear. Eyes wide. This is my introduction to the history of art, and it is my introduction to sex. I am six years old. For many years I will regard this moment as traumatizing. I will tell myself that the event shouldn’t have happened. The story I […]
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Conscious partnership MOON Shine
“The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.” – Gary Zukav MORE.
Contributors to this issue
Anna Marie Alkin, Tiffany Brown, Jennifer and Peter Buffett, Leslee Goodman, Barbara Jean, Margaret Karmazin, Charlie Neadam, James Norris, Lama Rod Owens, Ian Woolens, Harry Youtt, and Maria Yraceburu. Read more about our contributors.