Tag Archives | Collective soul retrieval

Retrieving our collective soul

What is soul? Why would we need to retrieve it? How could we “lose” it? Soul is variously described as our essence; that part of the self that animates and survives the body; the part that is connected to Source, or God, or however you might name that which is eternal. “Soul” also connotes gravitas; empathy; wisdom, as distinct from intelligence; the state of being fully in touch with one’s […]

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Joe Cottonwood | A random saint rides the bus

With a face of wretched scars like layered pond scum in the seat beside me she says without prompting I teach seventh grade social studies because I love to bend a mind like molten metal before it cools hard. Hm. Hm-mum. She hums one, two notes like commas as she talks — tuning her thoughts. My cubs, that age, the hormones hit so hard you can hear their heartbeats. Beat-beat, […]

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William Cass | Unsaid, undone

Growing up, Pete was a Navy brat, and he basically followed in his father’s career military footsteps afterward. His father had been a pediatrician, while Pete had become an internist. When his parents passed away, Pete inherited their house in Coronado, and he finished the last twenty-five years of that career across the bridge at Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego after serving on several deployments early on. Now, he’d […]

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Healing our collective soul

“The Earth will support anything that supports life. What I have found after a soul retrieval is that one cannot ‘numb out’ anymore. Each and every one of us must make personal and planetary decisions to stop abusing life. Whether a person has to give up an abusive relationship, take a more active political role, or increase awareness of how we continue to abuse our environment, we all now have […]

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