Tag Archives | Beyond words | Healing communication

Laura Grace Weldon | Poets and sages behind closed doors

Sunlight flashes across the nursing home lobby when I enter. By degrees the brightness dims as the door swings shut. My eyes adjust to a line of wheelchairs, their occupants so still they might be in deep meditation. One woman rouses, her brown eyes searching me out. “Feet don’t work a’tall,” she says politely. “Not a lick of good.” I walk down the hall past living koans. A man is held in a […]

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Florentina Ramirez Staigers | Changing the script on injustice

The nature of the bombs, the nature of injustice, the nature of the weapons, and the nature of our own being are the same. – Thich Nhat Hanh My friend Jennifer and I had an interesting tug-of-war with words after I commented on the term “illegal alien.” I was sitting on a bright red rug in her home, while she sat in a nearby chair, bending her head over a […]

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Mike Wilson | Kisses

Dejuan waved the red rubber ball back and forth and Kisses’ head turned left and right, like her beagle nose was attached to the ball with a string, her brown eyes bright and shiny. He was excited, too. They both were holding their breath. He pulled his arm behind his head and leaned back. “Get it, Kisses!” Then he threw the ball and Kisses took off, ripping chunks of grass […]

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Paul Lewellan | The after prom event

After chaperoning the junior/senior prom, I escaped to the Hilltop Diner in lieu of going back to my empty condo. Occupying my usual table next to the wheezing room air conditioner was Savannah Crosby, the owner’s daughter. She wore the same strapless prom dress with gold brocade that she’d worn to prom. Savannah began waiting tables when she was twelve so we knew each other well. Every night for the […]

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