Archive | January, 2014

Michele Bombardier

Michele Bombardier | Maiden voyage

The power went out during his birth. One midwife held the flashlight while the other sewed me up, infection set in, pain, fever requiring bedrest and surgery, still I knew, it was glory, full glory handed to me, a star on a platter, the most precious memory of my life I hold.   Weeks later on a Tuesday afternoon, stroller maiden voyage, first venture out, blinking like my baby at […]

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Margaret Karmazin

Margaret Karmazin | Redecorating

I lived two years as a female before surviving my surgery and now look good enough to draw catcalls from the street boys. Though born a male, my mind and soul are those of a straight female. Traditional and romantic, what I’ve always wanted is what women used to want in Lucy’s & Desi’s day: a wedding in a white dress (or cream in my case; white washes me out) […]

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Victor David Sandiego

Victor David Sandiego | Retribution befriends my enemy

Or: How The Assassination Backfired We pray his death to purge our world of pain, put the burden of our sorrow down. We pine for peace to celebrate our fear a final boot print in the slow path of our dust. Yet the pleasure his murder provides us suffers an infant death. Our grief from its grave rapidly resurrects, runs sobbing along the rivers. Families strewn to anxious tribes, we […]

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George Northrop

George H. Northrup | The miracle of my conversion

  I remember the exact moment in my last year of high school, standing at a juke box and listening to Bob Dylan. The new hymns were Mister Tambourine Man and Like a Rolling Stone. Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands overtook that other Lady always dressed in blue and white. The old prayers didn’t work anyway, but we kept the incense and the wine. “Oh wow!”  and “Outta sight!” replaced […]

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