Tag Archives | Swords into plowshares

Clay Carpenter | Strawberry

The girls fought over a strawberry today. The older one had swiped it from the younger one’s hand and popped it in her mouth. The younger one threw open the door and yelled for me to turn off the lawnmower so I could hear about the larceny. Of course every mother or father has witnessed a strawberry dust-up before, even if it wasn’t about a strawberry. They’ve put down the […]

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MOON Shine | Swords into plowshares

“Propaganda has made the word war synonymous with security, but in fact peace is synonymous with security. War makes us less secure. The United States has military bases in about 150 countries; we spend more on war than the rest of the world combined; we have the most powerful military in human history; and we’re some of the most terrified people on the planet. War and military occupation haven’t made […]

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