Tag Archives | Spiritual politics

Rev. angel Kyodo williams

Rev. angel Kyodo williams | Beyond idiot compassion

Rev. angel Kyodo williams is an ordained Zen Buddhist priest, spiritual maverick, author, activist, and founder of CXC (Center for Transformative Change), in Berkeley, California, which is dedicated to “changing the way change is done.” Rather than exhort spiritual seekers to become more politically active, CXC supports social activists in becoming more spiritual. This is the only way, Rev. angel believes, we will “flip the switch” in people’s hearts so […]

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Corinne McLaughlin | Spiritual politics

Corinne McLaughlin and her partner, Gordon Davidson, literally “wrote the book” on Spiritual Politics: Changing the World from the Inside Out. That was in 1994—a full twenty years ago. In 1996, they founded The Center for Visionary Leadership, a non-denominational educational center to help people develop the inner spiritual resources to be effective leaders and respond creatively to change. The Center’s purpose is “to support values-based visionary leadership in all fields […]

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Jenean McBrearty

Jenean McBrearty | Reardon’s red hat

A light snow was falling as Charlie Reardon left the diner and made his way down Madison Street. A year ago he was Father Reardon, pastor of St. Peter’s Church. Respected. Listened to. According to Archbishop Flaherty, he had a future. His mother had traveled to the Vatican on the life insurance money she got when his father got run over by an Amtrak train. She saw the Sistine Chapel, […]

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Michele Bombardier

Michele Bombardier | Maiden voyage

The power went out during his birth. One midwife held the flashlight while the other sewed me up, infection set in, pain, fever requiring bedrest and surgery, still I knew, it was glory, full glory handed to me, a star on a platter, the most precious memory of my life I hold.   Weeks later on a Tuesday afternoon, stroller maiden voyage, first venture out, blinking like my baby at […]

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