Tag Archives | GRRL Rising

Nancy Wakeman

Nancy Wakeman | Annunciation

Imagine Mary, a glib girl full of wistfulness, stumbling along a red dust road in the heat of summer, basket loaded with impossible tasks, thoughts miles away from her feet. Joe says she is fine, his foxy lady, his melancholy baby. Mary wants more than life as a wife, sweeping up sawdust, tweezing splinters from scabby fingers. She wants to be wooed, to be lifted aloft with the power of […]

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Pamela Smith

Pamela Burditt | Mother

I SEEK TO BE LOVING and nurturing, understanding, compassionate, insightful, intuitive, creative, and wise. I seek divine femininity. I want that spark to ignite a deeper spiritual reality in me, one of creativity, love and wisdom. One I can share. When my children experience the messiness of life, I want them to know I won’t leave. That I’m there to help heal and enlighten, renew and restore. I seek to […]

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