Tag Archives | Dolphins

John C. Lilly, MD

John C. Lilly, M.D. | The Dolphins Revisited

…We have decided to go back to the dolphin work, examine it very carefully, and do some entirely new work with the dolphins. Dolphins are very exciting to work with. They are playful, curious, and develop very close attachments for humans. They are infinitely patient with us. In all of our work with the dolphins no one was badly injured over a thirteen-year period. …Their discipline with humans in the […]

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Two dolphins

Dr. Toni Frohoff | Life among dolphins

Toni Frohoff, Ph.D., is a renowned wildlife author, science-based advocate, and marine mammal behavioral biologist who has been studying marine mammal behavior and communication for thirty years. She is the co-founder and research director at the international TerraMar Research and Learning Institute, a nonprofit cetacean research institute located in Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Frohoff is also co-founder of Wild-Wisdom, a new nonprofit that not only provides educational and experiential opportunities […]

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