Tag Archives | Others I have known


‘Others I have known | Immigrants and refugees among us

The United States is a nation of immigrants and refugees. Founded by Anglo-Saxon transplants, our country has been enriched throughout its history by a steady stream of “others” who have contributed everything from hot dogs and pizza to fireworks, karate, salsa–the condiment and the dance–yogurt, hummus, meditation, tacos, pierogis, and yoga. Famous Americans who were once refugees include Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein, iconic actor Charlie Chaplin, martial arts champion Bruce Lee, […]

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Paul R. Davis | Looking into a house

The lights were on, so I looked in the window. I saw Uncle Sam in his torn underwear, swilling cheap beer and scarfing a bag of chips. The walls were bare, the furniture tattered, Lady Liberty scrubbed the floor. The 500 foot TV screamed lies and news, but wait, aren’t they both the same? Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty went to bed that night while the Orange Haired Man sat […]

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Movies You Might’ve Missed | Others I have known

At least half a dozen excellent films have chronicled various aspects of the world’s current refugee crisis–from mainstream releases like The Good Lie, to the independent documentaries reviewed here. All are recommended. The Crossing is a first-hand account of the perilous journey made by a group of Syrian refugees who traverse one sea, two continents, and five countries in search of a home far from the war and persecution of their own country. […]

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Irena Ioannou | Poems from Crete, Greece

No Heroes Here Our paths cross every morning. I am leaving for work. She returns. At first she wore her hair tightly coiled, and sported purple overalls. Now she knows better. I imagine her behind half-closed curtains studying our clothes, our hair, our habits, when it’s safe to go out, when to stay in. I never see her in the neighborhood. She must be smart. She is my size, only […]

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