Archive | July, 2017

E. F. Schumacher | Buddhist economics

Buddhist countries have often stated that they wish to remain faithful to their heritage. So Burma: “The New Burma sees no conflict between religious values and economic progress. Spiritual health and material well-being are not enemies: they are natural allies.”1 Or: “We can blend successfully the religious and spiritual values of our heritage with the benefits of modern technology.”2 Or: “We Burmans have a sacred duty to conform both our dreams and […]

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Guy Standing | Why a basic income

It is from the champions of the impossible Rather than the slaves of the possible, That evolution draws its creative force. — Barbara Wootton Since at least Thomas More’s Utopia of 1516, many thinkers have flirted with the idea of a basic income – everybody in society receiving a regular amount of income as a right. Some have recoiled at the effrontery of the idea; some have mocked it, as […]

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Charles Joseph Albert

Charles Joseph Albert | Disparity

We only honor the greediest– Carnegie, Rockefeller, Trump, Hearst– and never speak of more humble chiefs who chose to pay themselves less than a thousand times their workers rate. Just as no one remembers the name of the humble apartments behind the Vatican. When I was twenty I saw St. Peter’s, its orgy of polychrome marbles a shrine to papal conceit built by thousands of peasants. Did they go home […]

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Scuplture by Evgeniy Vuchetich in the United Nations Art Collection

Swords into plowshares | Developing a literacy of peace

How do we build a more peaceful world and heal the wounds that seem to divide us? Initially, this month’s issue of The MOON was to explore “Swords into plowshares | Envisioning a new role for the military.” My hope was to begin a conversation about transitioning to a peacetime economy—because if we aren’t even talking about it, we certainly aren’t planning for it. But our interview this month with West […]

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