Buddhist countries have often stated that they wish to remain faithful to their heritage. So Burma: “The New Burma sees no conflict between religious values and economic progress. Spiritual health and material well-being are not enemies: they are natural allies.”1 Or: “We can blend successfully the religious and spiritual values of our heritage with the benefits of modern technology.”2 Or: “We Burmans have a sacred duty to conform both our dreams and […]
Archive | July, 2017

Guy Standing | Why a basic income
It is from the champions of the impossible Rather than the slaves of the possible, That evolution draws its creative force. — Barbara Wootton Since at least Thomas More’s Utopia of 1516, many thinkers have flirted with the idea of a basic income – everybody in society receiving a regular amount of income as a right. Some have recoiled at the effrontery of the idea; some have mocked it, as […]

Charles Joseph Albert | Disparity
We only honor the greediest– Carnegie, Rockefeller, Trump, Hearst– and never speak of more humble chiefs who chose to pay themselves less than a thousand times their workers rate. Just as no one remembers the name of the humble apartments behind the Vatican. When I was twenty I saw St. Peter’s, its orgy of polychrome marbles a shrine to papal conceit built by thousands of peasants. Did they go home […]

Swords into plowshares | Developing a literacy of peace
How do we build a more peaceful world and heal the wounds that seem to divide us? Initially, this month’s issue of The MOON was to explore “Swords into plowshares | Envisioning a new role for the military.” My hope was to begin a conversation about transitioning to a peacetime economy—because if we aren’t even talking about it, we certainly aren’t planning for it. But our interview this month with West […]
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Conscious partnership MOON Shine
“The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.” – Gary Zukav MORE.
Contributors to this issue
Anna Marie Alkin, Tiffany Brown, Jennifer and Peter Buffett, Leslee Goodman, Barbara Jean, Margaret Karmazin, Charlie Neadam, James Norris, Lama Rod Owens, Ian Woolens, Harry Youtt, and Maria Yraceburu. Read more about our contributors.