Archive | March, 2013

Movies that celebrate commUNITY

Community plays a pivotal, though sometimes incidental, role in many films about social change. The movies Happy, The Economics of Happiness, and The Bonsai People,  for example, each profiles—even if obliquely–ways that community, in traditional cultures, compensates for consumption in modern cultures, with far greater returns on investment. Happy filmmaker Roko Belic, co-founder of Wadi Rum Films, conceived his movie on what makes people happy when his friend, director Tom […]

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Raul Ramos y Sanchez | The demons of La Yuma

Miami, 1961 An eerie wailing from the front door startled abuela as she cracked another egg into the sizzling cast-iron skillet. The shrill voices were insistent and demanding. In her sixty-seven years, she’d heard nothing like it. “Triko-tree! Triko-tree!” After the recent evidence of brujería (witchcraft) in the neighborhood, abuela was wary. More evil sorcery might be afoot here in La Yuma. She inched to the kitchen doorway and peered […]

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Taylor Maxie | Baby Healer

Life arrives with the sun Bearing the gift of a new day A boy sent to me by spirit Touched by the bliss of a new age Shift gears to a new page Perspective all reaffirmed Space open and held sacred Like Mama’s remains in the urn The longing in your eyes looks to me For truth and dedication So I’ll guide you with my heart ‘cuz my mind’s a […]

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David Sanchez | If You Knew Me

If you knew me you would know My father was a heroin addict until liquor took its place He used to come home late and diss me in my face My mother worked long-hours to support his habit Until one day she had it and booted him out My role model was gone and all I knew was his route I started smoking and drinking Shot my first gun without […]

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