Archive | September, 2018

Rizwan Saleem | Death by drone

The destruction was complete. It was so stunning that his brain could scarcely take it in. The attack had come with such force that to look upon the detritus of what remained was a task on its own. He tried to get his bearings on where he stood now. A homestead he had frequented for many years was now unrecognizable. What was this? What had happened here? “Why” did not […]

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Retrieving our collective soul

What is soul? Why would we need to retrieve it? How could we “lose” it? Soul is variously described as our essence; that part of the self that animates and survives the body; the part that is connected to Source, or God, or however you might name that which is eternal. “Soul” also connotes gravitas; empathy; wisdom, as distinct from intelligence; the state of being fully in touch with one’s […]

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David Krieger

David Krieger | From Armageddon to transformation

Nuclear weapons pose a grave threat to the future of civilization. As long as we allow these weapons to exist, we flirt with the catastrophe that they will be used, whether intentionally or accidentally. Meanwhile, nuclear weapons skew social priorities, create imbalances of power, and heighten geopolitical tension. Diplomacy has brought some noteworthy steps in curbing risks and proliferation, but progress has been uneven and tenuous. The ultimate aim of […]

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Joe Cottonwood | The diplomat’s daughter, 1961

The diplomat’s daughter can recite the 23rd Psalm in Hindi, once drank Coca-Cola with Martin Luther King, is 11 years old. I’m 14. Public school, we’re the same grade. I’m not brilliant, she says. I’m experienced. We ride the bus. She sits with me, walks with me after I rescue her once from certain ignorant assholes. In a white school she’s skinny and shy and brown. Her father sizes me […]

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