Tag Archives | Ancient wisdom

Ancient wisdom | What our elders can teach us

Ancient wisdom: every indigenous culture has it—knowledge that might also be called humanity’s “original operating instructions.” We western, secularized humans tend to think we didn’t come with any; that we have to figure life out for ourselves and that we don’t “know” anything until it’s been scientifically confirmed. But indigenous humans throughout the world believe they were given instructions for living sustainably and properly in this world. Moreover, they believe […]

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People of the caribou | An interview with Sarah James

Sarah Agnes James is a Neets’aii Gwich’in elder from above the Arctic Circle in the great Alaskan interior. Hers are the people of the caribou and she sings the caribou welcome song to protect their way of life. Her parents and grandparents taught her to protect “the sacred place where all life begins,” which is Iizhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit. She grew up on the land in the far north and […]

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Sharon Frame Gay | Birthday girl

The faces around the table are blurred. They’ve lost their hard edges, my vision deteriorating. In front of me is a cake, gaily decorated in pinks and greens, with enough candles to set off the sprinklers in the ceiling. I am one hundred and four years old today. April the 11th. The time of year when spring lambs are born. I came into this world in a small town in […]

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T.J. Butler | The House

I am old, maybe even ancient in house years. I slump in many places, and endless seasons of idleness have drained my once-lively spirit. My work was completed long ago, and since then, I have stood idly without a goal or task, uselessly watching the sun and the moon move across the sky. The daylight no longer shines in my eyes because it has been eons since the trees were […]

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