Tag Archives | Reinventing work

What is a man image

Martin Willitts, Jr. | What is a man?

A man used to be measured by his calluses. All work and no play made him dull before his time. His hands were gnarled more than tree root, more arthritis than hands. Bitter and broken a few times, a few removed by machines they never could understand. What was lost was regained by learning what they needed when bad things happened. The more calluses the more a man. This is […]

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Lindsey Bellosa

Lindsey Bellosa | Poems on parenting

When I love parenting When we sit down to lunch and I watch my words going into your eyes, when you say “my home” and I hear love in your voice, and marvel that this is a house we have made “home” for you.  When you ride your new bike with careful determination, when I watch you traverse   the world with enthusiasm but always come back to me, like […]

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Reinventing work | An interview with Matthew Fox

An Episcopalian priest and theologian, Matthew Fox began his career as a member of the Dominican Order of the Catholic Church but was expelled in 1993 by Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI. Among Fox’s teachings the Catholic hierarchy found most objectionable was his belief in “original blessing,” which became the title of one of his most popular books. The concept was in direct contravention of the Roman […]

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Martin Leyva | Don’t ever give up

Seven years ago when Martin Leyva walked out of Chino State Prison, a guard told him: “We’ll leave the lights on for you…” insinuating that Leyva would be back. Instead, seven years later, Leyva walked across the stage to accept his bachelor’s degree in liberal arts/psychology from Antioch University in Santa Barbara. Leyva grew up on the Westside of Santa Barbara, a genteel enough place compared to Compton or East […]

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