Archive | August, 2014

Connie Zweig | The shadow knows

Connie Zweig, Ph.D., is a Jungian-oriented therapist and the founder of the Center for Shadow-work and Spiritual Counseling. Known as “the shadow expert,” she has written three books on shadow-work, including Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature (with Jeremiah Abrams), Romancing the Shadow: Illuminating the Dark Side of the Soul (with Dr. Steve Wolf), and The Holy Longing: Spiritual Yearning and Its Shadow […]

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Bonnie Durrance

Bonnie Durrance | Selected poems

Saturn Rising At this hour Saturn hangs Left of Corvus, center stage Just above the tree tops in the cold southeastern sky. Innocent enough: A pretty little planet. Why would the ancients have him eat his children? And why the pull, the heavy weight he hauls Across the sky, dragging with him His dreadful mission along with My good mood? Mood, of course, is nonsense, we all know. Nothing more […]

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September Movies You Might’ve Missed | The shadow

In the 2009 documentary The Shadow Effect, three renowned spiritual teachers—Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson—come together to shed light on the shadow and encourage us each to “do our shadow work” to make peace with ourselves and the world; to acknowledge and embrace our past; and to free ourselves to live a new future. The film is complemented by a book and an online course to support individuals […]

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What is a man image

Martin Willitts, Jr. | What is a man?

A man used to be measured by his calluses. All work and no play made him dull before his time. His hands were gnarled more than tree root, more arthritis than hands. Bitter and broken a few times, a few removed by machines they never could understand. What was lost was regained by learning what they needed when bad things happened. The more calluses the more a man. This is […]

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