Tag Archives | The Earth speaks

Babo Kamel | Standing Rock and Nokomis

At Standing Rock What once was painted on the body now offered in prayers the power of spirit, make no mistake, this is war Greed comes riding bareback with dogs Now offered in prayers to preserve the mother make no mistake, this is war return to the old shelters to preserve the mother guard the water in her breast return to the old shelters trust the arms of the mother […]

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Jose Ajpu Munoz | The Mayan calendar’s predictions for 2017 and beyond

The Mayan people have been keeping mathematical calendars for thousands of years. It was the ending of their previous 26,000-year-long calendar, on December 21, 2012, that gave rise to predictions of the end of the world. But, as is now obvious, “the end” was simply the ending of that calendar. The Sixth Sun Mayan Calendar—our present 26,000-year-long calendar—is a tool that allows people to remember that past, present, and future […]

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Australian aborigines | The seven sisters and the faithful lovers

IN THE DREAM TIME, many ages ago, the cluster of stars which we now know as the Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters, were seven beautiful ice maidens. Their parents were a great rugged mountain whose dark head was hidden in the clouds, and an ice-cold stream that flowed from the snow-clad hills. The Seven Sisters wandered across the land, with their long hair flying behind them like storm clouds before […]

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Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq | The ice is speaking

  IN THE DEEP WINTER of 1963 two young Eskimo-Kalaallit men went hunting and came to the big wall and did their ceremony. As they did so, they noticed that water was coming out of the Big Ice way up the wall. When they returned and told the Elders of that strange phenomenon, no one believed them. How could water move, when the temperature has been less than minus 30 […]

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