Tag Archives | Shamanism for our times

Joseph Murphy | The shaman’s initiation and more

The Shaman’s Initiation The ring was spun down the spirits’ road, A strand of silk Strung from tree to tree. I lay in a furrow, covered With petal and stalk: the chanting began. I grasped the ring’s heart as it came down the road. A spirit leapt up; pressed me Into its luminous shell. It pierced my navel, lodging a seed At the base of my spine. I rose up […]

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Judith Prager | A shaman’s invocation and other poems

A Shaman’s Invocation In the infinite universe there is always more. Give me that more, That I may blaze with it Like a raucous fountain Like a riotous volcano Endlessly elaborate infinity Embellish the known Illuminating the secret Specifying the sacred Whispering the obvious To make me listen — Differently What is familiar, make more subtle What is jagged, make round …and the reverse. Rehearse the elusive Until I am […]

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Devon Balwit | Shamanism for our times

From the Book of Wisdom Scorn diamonds, and neither covet gold. Care not for youth or the lifted plinth. Suckle not at the mouths of flatterers. Turn your back on the cheek-busker and the feathery touch. Light yourself, instead, like a wick. Keep to the outpost, to the tiny island. Press your lips to the deep well of the bite. Draw off darkness as you listen for the lone bird, […]

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Joe Cottonwood | If they gave a Nobel Prize

If they gave a Nobel Prize for obscene wealth combined with a reckless flair this man would be on the short list but I can’t complain, after all he hired me to build a cabinet with, ahem, discretion, if you catch my drift, and to build it in a certain style, how shall I say, a certain je ne sais quoi of bullshit that appeals to men who have a […]

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