Tag Archives | Others I have known

Fleeing the mouth of a shark | Bill Dienst on the refugee crisis

Bill Dienst, MD, is a rural family and emergency room physician from north central Washington who has been volunteering for humanitarian medical missions since 1982, when he was a young man in medical school. His first experience profoundly changed his life and he was “hooked,” he says, volunteering repeatedly for medical exchange programs in Veracruz, Mexico, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. Most recently he served as the medical […]

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X.H. Collins | The foreign devil

The Foreign Devil was called so because no one knew what his real name was and because he did not look like anyone else in town, Han or Tibetan. Years later, when I saw a picture book of Santa Claus, I thought to myself, “If Santa Claus would lose so much weight that his cheeks were sunken rather than plump, that his color was grayish rather than rosy, and, if […]

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Julie Anne Thorndyke | The cave

I hadn’t expected there would really be a cave. It was a legend, a family myth, a story Dad told each year around the dinner table when the Christmas trifle was reduced to a creamy blur in grandma’s cut-glass dish. I wonder which sister snaffled that glittery heirloom in the post-funeral bun-rush? All Mum’s tarnished silver teaspoons, green Depression-glass dishes, vintage enamel cookware with chipped edges, all piled in cardboard […]

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LindaAnn LoSchiavo | The Gospel According to Saint Marks Place

“He vas careful driver. Not even vunce he lost vun sheep in my willage. That vas how it vas before the var.” Stories, stories, stories: Mrs. Serafima Ayupova Titomir was always in the middle of some story, real or fancied, bright and strange, embroidered on the plain muslin truth, perhaps for her own amusement but, more often, dictated by feverish guardian angels. “She izz a crrrrazy,” explained my landlady, Mrs. […]

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