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Linda Biehl | Radical forgiveness

In 1993, Amy Biehl, a 26-year-old Stanford University graduate, was a Fulbright scholar in South Africa, researching black South African women’s struggle for equality in the new constitution being negotiated to replace the apartheid government.  On August 25, she left her office to drive three colleagues home to Gugulethu, a township outside of Cape Town. En route, she was spotted by a mob marching through the township, shouting ONE SETTLER, […]

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Gordon Hempton | We save what we love

Gordon Hempton is an acoustic ecologist. He has traveled the globe three times recording the vanishing sounds and silences of nature—from the songbird chorus that greets the dawn to the crash of waves on a rocky shore; from the call of a whale in the ocean depths to the drip of rain on a forest floor. After 30 years recording the natural world, he reports that “There are fewer than […]

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Chiliwist Jim

Spencer Martin: In this universe, all things are connected

Spencer Martin, whose Indian name is Se Olum, has survived virtually every tragedy that can befall a human being.  His people, the Methow, were driven from the valley named after them less than three months (July 2, 1872) after the United States government officially granted them the right to it (April 9, 1872). Martin was born to an alcoholic mother and a father he never knew, and was raised to […]

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Malidoma Somé: Once upon a time, the West too was indigenous

Malidoma Somé was given his name by his village elders while he was still in his mother’s womb.  Malidoma means one who “makes friends with the stranger/enemy.”  Thus, Malidoma’s destiny was written before he was born, although he was left to discover the details on his own. When Malidoma was a small boy he was taken from his village by a Jesuit priest and brought to a boarding school more […]

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