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Warren Brush

Warren Brush | The Permaculture solution

Warren Brush describes himself as a certified permaculture designer and teacher, a mentor and storyteller. He is co-founder of Quail Springs Learning Oasis & Permaculture Farm, a former cattle ranch located in California’s  Cuyama Valley—one of the remotest places within a three-hour drive of Los Angeles you can imagine—where his team demonstrates and teaches permaculture design principles and practices. Prior to creating Quail Springs, Brush and his wife, Cynthia Harvan, […]

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Urban meadow

Dennis vanEngelsdorp | Why we need bees

Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Ph.D., is an apiarist (beekeeper) widely known as a result of a  2008 TED talk, “A Plea for Bees.” He is one of the leading researchers attempting to understand Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and other factors responsible for the dramatic decline in bee populations. “Imagine if one of every three cows died,” he says. “The National Guard would be out.” Dr. vanEngelsdorp’s research involves a multi-faceted approach to […]

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Two dolphins

Dr. Toni Frohoff | Life among dolphins

Toni Frohoff, Ph.D., is a renowned wildlife author, science-based advocate, and marine mammal behavioral biologist who has been studying marine mammal behavior and communication for thirty years. She is the co-founder and research director at the international TerraMar Research and Learning Institute, a nonprofit cetacean research institute located in Santa Barbara, California. Dr. Frohoff is also co-founder of Wild-Wisdom, a new nonprofit that not only provides educational and experiential opportunities […]

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Immaculee Ilibagiza

Immaculée Ilibagiza | Surviving genocide

Immaculée Ilibagiza was a 22-year-old engineering student at the National University of Rwanda in 1994 when life as she had known it came to a horrific end. Over the course of approximately one hundred days following the assassination of Hutu president Juvénal Habyarimana, the remaining Hutu leadership, supported by the national army, local military and civil officials, mass media and ordinary Hutus, carried out the slaughter of as many as […]

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