Archive | August, 2014

Rev. Ross Foti | Always be growing

“WHO AM I?” is the greatest question any of us will ever answer and is as challenging for me – a minister, counselor, and teacher – to answer as perhaps it is for you. Some basic information about me: I hold a B.A. in non-western civilizations from Allegheny College and a master’s in consciousness studies from Holmes Institute. I was licensed as a Minister of Religious Science in 2011 and […]

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Judy Piazza

Judy Piazza | The best job in the world???!

Well, right off the bat I’ve got an issue here—“issue” translated as an opportunity to explore. I’ve always had an aversion to the word job! Being fascinated by language, I found that the etymology of the word job is unclear at best, but the definition generally has to do with either a body of work, or regularly paid work. There is nothing regular about my life as a musician except […]

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Robert Iulo

Robert Iulo | A Good Day at Work

IT WAS JUST GETTING LIGHT when I got the call early on a Sunday morning in February 2003. Someone from the New York City Office of Emergency Management was telling me that Thirty-Fourth Street and Fifth Avenue adjacent to the Empire State Building were closed because of falling ice. As the person in charge of emergency operations for the Department of Buildings I sleepily wondered aloud what that might have […]

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Tia Walker | The journey of bliss

A LITTLE OVER FIVE YEARS AGO my life shifted and all that I knew to be true was turned upside down in a way that opened the doors for radical transformation. So what does one do when life throws curve balls? I choose to step away from it all and be still. I was drawn to the Big Island of Hawaii where I spent time being still, listening and unraveling […]

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