Archive | June, 2014

Samuel K. Wilkes

Samuel K. Wilkes | Night Swimming

FRANK COCKED HIS HEAD and looked to me for the answer. I could tell he wanted to say something. What’s the matter? He cocked his head the other way. I dropped to my knees, as if getting closer might help me understand his curiosity. He ran his rough tongue across my face. My eyelids stuck to one another from the glue of his saliva. What the hell’s gotten in to […]

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Owned and Operated

Movies You Might’ve Missed: Dreams of Awakening

NO DOUBT the two best-known movies about “dreaming our reality” are The Matrix and Inception. The Matrix is, of course, about waking up to the fact that we’re sleepwalking through our existence, while Inception portrays the use of lucid dreaming for nefarious purposes—to steal ideas from another’s subconscious, as well as to plant them. Though Inception’s plot is far-fetched and difficult to follow—even the characters have a hard time keeping track […]

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Robert Wolfe

Robert Wolfe | The Absolute Enigma

MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS AGO, my (second) wife and I divorced, after ten years of marriage. We both had looked forward to our years ahead with each other and had planned for a comfortable retirement. I was in my early forties when we married, and I focused my attention on a career as an insurance agent so that we might further our goals. In so doing, I put aside what […]

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