Tag Archives | Facing the dark side

Jenean McBrearty

Jenean McBrearty | The woman in blue

FEW PEOPLE REMEMBER WALTER NEFF. Why should they? When the story came out that he and Phyllis Didrikson conspired to kill her husband to collect on a double indemnity insurance policy, the Daily Tribune reported it on page eighteen of Tuesday’s edition. That kind of notoriety wouldn’t deter a twelve-year-old. That’s how old David Kelly was when the photo of Phyllis caught his eye as he was cleaning his grandmother’s […]

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Pamela Burditt

 Pamela Burditt | Charlie

“I’VE WAITED ALL MY LIFE to put that son-of-a-bitch six feet under. I don’t know what the hell I’m cryin’ for now,” my father said, to no one in particular. Tears rolled down his cheek as he struck a match. My father always smelled of Dial soap, Old Spice and Marlboro’s. On that chilly, gray November day, all three filled my nose as I watched cigarette smoke swirl up and […]

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