Tag Archives | Beyond capitalism

Dana Hammer | The difference a thousand dollars can make

The oil burned her skin, searing and sharp. The pain was compounded by the terror of not knowing her tormentor, or her location, or how the hell she was supposed to get out of the dark, rotten basement in which she now found herself. Inez Eliot howled in a way she hadn’t since childbirth, low and deep, emerging from her center and radiating out. She tried to retract her foot […]

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Lyla June | Indigenomics

When the dried kernels burst open, like a love that cannot be silenced, they release a special powder that feeds us and teaches how to think. Her love sounds like dried corn cracking beneath the weight of stone, snapping open like prickly pear blossoms in the summertime. She is teaching us without speaking that you only need two stones to feed a nation. For hours the women would grind corn […]

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